Atkinson-Stern Tennis Center

4025 S. Saratoga St.
New Orleans, LA 70115

Council District B

Center manager

Tennis Center manager
Johnathan Ames

Atkinson-Stern Tennis Center


  • Field lights
  • Off-street parking
  • Tennis Center
  • Tennis courts

Tennis Center

Court usage are open with reservations only.  Please visit to make a reservation.

(504) 658-3060

Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Friday Closed
Saturday and Sunday: 9:00am-4:00pm


Summer Hours: Monday-Friday: 4:00pm-9:00pm

Court Fee 

Mon-Fri before 4pm: $5 per hour
Mon-Fri after 4pm: $7 per hour ($5 per hour for City of New Orleans employees with ID)
Sat-Sun: $7 per hour   
Reservations required.

 Visit to reserve your slot today.  


Opening in 1897, the Atkinson-Stern Tennis Center is a historic Uptown complex that is noted as one of the oldest in the city. As a private club and was operated by the New Orleans Lawn Tennis Club until 1973. The city acquired it and renamed it the Stern Tennis Center in recognition of financial contributions from philanthropist Edgar Stern. The name of the center was expanded later to honor Nehemiah Atkinson, a talented player who managed the complex. For two decades, Atkinson served as a coach and mentor for countless New Orleanians, including many African-American adults and youngsters who previously had little or no exposure to tennis.

Damaged by Katrina's winds and floodwater, the center underwent a $2.2 million restoration in 2009. The center is home to 9 Hart-Tru clay courts consisting of 7 doubles and 2 singles. 

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